Have you ever had a question for Q&I but were not sure who to ask? Do you want to know more about how BAMSI raises money? Or what IT is planning to do about upgrading laptops? Office Hours are your opportunity to chat with the various administrative departments that support the field.
Every month different BAMSI departments will host a Zoom meeting where anyone from the organization can log on and ask questions or share ideas. IT, Q&I, Training & Development, Finance, and Marketing, Philanthropy, & Communication will be the first to pilot this new initiative. The dates will be posted on the calendar on the new MyBAMSI Landing Page along with a zoom link. Anyone from BAMSI can join these Office Hours.
Office Hours are designed to be flexible to meet the needs of the field. They will be held on different days and at a variety of times, including during 3rd shift. Employees can join for 5 minutes or stay on for the entire hour. Your input and feedback are very important, but you can also attend these virtual Office Hours just to say “Hello” and get to know some of the people in admin.
What do you think of Office Hours at BAMSI? Please send feedback or questions to Ulea at UleaLago@BAMSI.org
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© 2022 BAMSI 10 Christy’s Drive, Brockton, MA 02301
info@bamsi.org | Notice of Privacy