Adult Coordinated Care
Connections to the care you need
"What I like best about being a Care Coordinator is when I connect with my members, they are so grateful and appreciative for my help and look forward to our monthly check-ins to go over their goals."

Using our deep understanding of people with behavioral health diagnoses, developmental and intellectual disabilities, brain injuries, physical disabilities, and complex medical needs, BAMSI helps individuals manage relationships with multiple health professionals and social service agencies.
More than just coordinating appointments and sharing information between providers, BAMSI Health ensures every person we serve receives the support they need to grow and thrive. By facilitating meaningful connection between healthcare providers and community based social service providers, we support members in achieving their personal wellness goals and give them the tools to build self-directed, fulfilling lives.
Care Coordination
BAMSI is a part of Massachusetts Care Coordination Network (MCCN), an Accountable Care Organization network serving MassHealth members. This network was developed to ensure adults with chronic illnesses have a choice and can access a full range of quality services that ensure optimal independence, health, and quality of life.
A major goal of MCCN is to provide children, adults, and seniors with disabling conditions and chronic illnesses with access to quality long-term care services that will ensure optimal outcomes, such as independence, health, and quality of life, for those who require long-term care.