Often described as an art and a science, nursing is a profession that embraces dedicated people with varied interests, strengths and passions because of the many opportunities the profession offers. Nurses work in emergency rooms tending to the most critically ill, school based settings, and homeless shelters, to name a few. Nurses have so many roles from staff nurse to educator to nurse practitioner and nurse researcher; all of them with passion for the profession and with a strong commitment to patient safety.
At BAMSI, we celebrate the talents, the compassion and the dedication of our wonderful nurses who dedicate themselves to the care of the persons we serve; those with developmental disabilities, acquired and traumatic brain injuries, and mental health challenges. Our nursing workforce has grown to exceed 250 as our organization has expanded its work to those with complex medical challenges. Led by BAMSI Director of Nursing, Barbara Gordon, the team is there to tend to the daily needs of persons served, medical emergencies that arise as well as occasionally having to serve as support and strength to help with the emotional challenges of end of life issues.
This week, we celebrate all 253 BAMSI nurses as part of the International Celebration of National Nurses Week which began on May 6th and ends on May 12th, Florence Nightingale’s birthday. National Nurses Week focuses attention on the diverse ways America’s 3.1 million registered nurses work to save lives and to improve the health of millions of individuals. This year, the American Nurses Association (ANA) has selected “Delivering Quality and Innovation in Patient Care” as the theme for 2013. Traditionally, National Nurses Week is devoted to highlighting the diverse ways in which registered nurses, who comprise the largest health care profession, are working to improve health care.
At BAMSI, we salute and celebrate all of our dedicated nurses during National Nurses Week. Know how much we appreciate all that you do at BAMSI!
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info@bamsi.org | Notice of Privacy